
11 Replies

I also had a miscarriage at week 11 so i totally feel you. I think physcially we will heal well, but mentally its not easy to move on no matter how much you tell yourself to. It took me 3 months after miscarriage to realise i didn't heal at all emotionally. Will suggest you take a break from social (to avoid seeing other friends pregancy news) it helps me alot. After a year, i am finally having my rainbow baby at week 26 now. Please take care and don't give up! Jia you!

Do take care and hopefully you will have a rainbow baby soon as well. All the best to you!

I'm so sorry to hear that. Your baby was lucky to have been loved by you and your hubby, and will definitely be a happy angel above looking after you and your future family. You've been through an emotional rollercoaster and you are allowed to grieve, don't bottle up your feelings. Please take good care of yourself, and drink the necessary tonics to heal your body!

I really feel you. I went through the same as you and it was really, extremely painful both mentally & physically. Take your time to grief. Take your time to heal. Took me 13 mths to be ready to get pregnant again with my rainbow baby. Once when you're ready, have ample bed rest, a peaceful & positive mind. Take care.

Been there. *hugs!* Take good care of yourself and hubby. Both of you are the most affected by this loss. Be there for each other, I find that love grows even stronger in difficult times like this. Your rainbow baby will be finding their way to you soon!! I wish you luck ❀️

Thanks.. When I am emotionally down, at a point I realize that my hubby is suffering the same loss as me too.. We support and care for each other more.. Ya.. You are right! Our love grows stronger.. Rainbow baby will come to me soon when I am ready 🌈

So sorry for your loss. I too had a miscarriage before (at 6weeks) , so i totally understand the feeling. Most importantly, rest well, take time to heal. I had a healthy baby after that incident, so I'm sure u will too! Take care!

Sorry for your loss. Please rest well, take care and consume tonics to recuperate. The angel will bless you with another baby when you are ready. 🌈❀


sorry for your loss. take good care and heal your body well to prepare for next one. not easy to get over it in the mean time be strong you will.

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So sorry to hear that πŸ’” Sending you hugs. Much love to you. I pray and hope you recover soon and be blessed with your rainbow baby soon.

Very sorry for your loss. Please rest well. May God bless you with another one when you are ready.

Take care. Rem we created an Angel up there in heaven looking at us.

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