6 Balas

I think I feel the baby moves when I put hands on my tummy. Have this feeling like something is moving but still very light feeling. Sometimes, have twitches that are quite strong at the same spot for few mins.

sye 18 minggu dh rasaa .. skng dh 28 minggu .. makin aktiv dye bergerakk .. tendang pun kuat .. dh rasa mcm bukan 28 minggu 😂

VIP Member

Nanti mummy rasa tu, macam geli2.. enjoy the feeling! Bila kandungan dah 7 bulan ke atas, lagi lah kuat tendangan baby.

Sy dah 21w mmg aktf menendg n bgerak ..😊

VIP Member

akan rasa bergerak dalam perut n menendang moment tu mmg best

VIP Member

Bulan ke 6 akan lebih terasa😊

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