8 Replies

I think what you're referring to here is about store-bought microwaveable popcorn. Microwaveable bags used to microwave ready-made poocorn are coated with fluorotelomers which break down into a substance called PFOA under high heat. It may be directly transmitted to the foetus and cause developmental problems. http://learn.eartheasy.com/2014/12/11-common-foods-to-avoid-during-pregnancy/ If you worried about that you can make your own popcorn using just butter and putting your corn cob wrapped with a paper bag in a microwave. See the video here: http://digg.com/video/popcorn-corn-on-the-cob

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VIP Member

Why not? If you are worried about the sugar and salt in commercial popcorn, make your own popcorn at home with corn kernels, butter and a pot with a lid. It's that easy!

Popcorn is healthy for the mother and baby. https://www.organicfacts.net/parenting/pregnancy/the-15-best-foods-to-eat-during-pregnancy.html

Take in some to pamper yourself shouldn't be a problem. Moderation is the key.

VIP Member

If there is craving, go for it. Everything in moderation :)

VIP Member

Enjoy all the food that you craving for :) take in moderate
