4 Replies

VIP Member

The ideal age to introduce figure skating to your child is when they are 3 or 4 years old. Even though some parents start their children very early as soon as they are able to walk, most ice skating rinks don't accept children under the age of 3. The Rink in Jurong only accepts children above 6 years old for their skating lessons. http://www.therink.sg/lessons/lessons-faq http://figureskating.about.com/od/getstartedfigureskating/qt/Little-Children-Can-Learn-To-Ice-Skate.htm

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You can introduce ice skating to your 3-year old toddler. The Rink conducts lesson for 3-6 years old on every Tuesdays, from 3pm-3.30pm. Kids Learn to Skate Five 30-min lessons Cost: $171.20/participant
