Can breastfeeding mum eat yu Shen? Will it affect supply?

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If salmon sashimi is ur milk booster then it will boost ur milk supply. There is nothing abt it that is in the category of cannot it - how it affects supply is largely based on what are ur milk bolstered and killers

8y ago

Tks! Have not really identified what are the killers apart fr cabbage. Don't dare to try salads as well ever since birth as I read lettuce may cause supply dip and I'm not sure what other raw veg in salad will cause dip so jus play safe 😂

With salmon sashimi I think the milk supply may have a boost instead . I don't think it will affect supply at all

Whether it will affect or not depends on your own body. For me, no problem. Just take it with moderation.

VIP Member

U mean sashimi? No issue during breastfeeding. I had it a few times during breastfeeding as well.

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Nope it won't i ate it and i enjoyed it! It gave me a boost too due to the salmon sahimi.

8y ago

Thank u :) have been staying away fr salad/raw veg as I was worried it will cause supply to be reduced.. Guess it's safe to consume salad aft hearing fr mummies here

Moderation will do

VIP Member

Eat in moderation

No effect can eat