8 Replies
Milk intake really differs at different stages, though we tried to stick to the required amount recommended, there would be days that the baby just did not feel like drinking the minimum and of coz there were also days the baby demanded more! However if you are worried do seek your pd opinion.
If her weight gain has been ok and she's happy it should be all good. If you think about a breastfed baby there's no way to tell how much they'd drunk, so the only way is to follow baby's demand and watch the weight gain. Don't worry too much about these guidelines ☺️
maybe can prolong the interval of feeding, divide the 80ml to 120ml equally with the rest of the feed like an additional 10 to 20ml a feed, see the situation. As long the baby is happy and energtic, it shouldn't be that much of an issue! cheers :)
dont worry about what Pd says. you know? drink too much also say. drink too little also say. when my girl is 2.5 months old, she is drinking 45ml only. every baby is different. mine still good and healthy now. approaching 3yo
Is she taking formula mik or breastfed? Hope this article helps you : https://www.google.com/amp/s/sg.theasianparent.com/how-much-milk-should-baby-drink/amp
As long as baby is drinking, happy, and gaining weight, it is fine if she cannot hit the “target” daily milk intake.
Is she on formula or fresh milk? Was she sick recently? Does she have enough wet Nappies in a day?
as long as the baby is happy and energetic, it is all good.