Hi, my baby abit of jaundice. I was told by the nurse to feed him every 3 hr 60ml to 80ml of milk. But every time I try feeding him he tend to drink 30ml and then fall asleep. No matter what I do to wake him up he still sleeping.. I am so worried he is getting less then he suppose to drink. Any tips to get him drink the whole 60ml milk.

Hi, Yes, he is not taking feed because of he jaundice, and your nurse is right as much feed he will take, it will be good as it will flush out the bilirubin which is causing it. And if the baby is not taking the feed then it will become bad. I think you should change the diaper if he falls asleep to make sure that he takes maximum feed, as changing the diaper will wake him up. Second, you can also try undressing the baby and then feeding him, lot of skin touch with you will also help and keep him awake for the feed. Lastly, apart from this, you must have the baby be in the indirect morning or evening sunlight. You can ask your doctor and if he advises can go for phototherapy where the baby is kept under yellow sunlight that helps in breaking bilirubin in the baby's body. There's new treatment available where to treat mild jaundice, parents can use "bili lights' or "bili blankets".
Read moreMy son too has Jaundice when he is about 2 day old and his jaundice is at highest level to 200, we left him for photo therapy t hospital for few days, then when we bring him home he still has it to 180, but when we bathe him using the one my husband bought at tcm like a seed think most mommies use it to bathe their baby with jaundice and sunlight him around 8:30am with his diaper on his jaundice gradually decreases he too take 30ml of milk and sleepy most jaundice baby sleeps a lot, I wake him and feed him if he doesn't want to wake
Read moreHello! Do not worry about baby not drinking 60ml at least he did drank half of the portion already. My son have the same situation as your son too, having jaundice from 100+ to 200+ then dropped to 150 now, can go chinese medicine shop to buy a kind of seed or floral to shower for baby it helps a lot in jaundice. My baby was 200+ but after we shower for him then he became 150 within 2 weeks. As for milk not wanting to drink full 60ml is ok do not worry about it. Maybe you consider breastfeeding him instead?
Read moreafter the first 2 weeks the efficiency of photo beds actually decreases. so sunning the baby is up to u but not much use. most of the above suggestions are good. if baby really can't finish 60 then nvm. just feed more often in smaller volume - think of it as a total amount of volume drank in a 24 hr period. also if u are feeding breastmilk, u may want cut down on the finer that u are taking, or some feeds give fm (thats what i did) - but u gotta pump to maintain or increase ur supply lor
Read moreDream feeding. Or you can try to let baby bath with gardenia seeds which many mummies had been doing. My baby when he was born he also having jaundice and after introduce by some mummies. They ask me to buy gardenia seed and let baby bath and amazingly it works on him and jaundice was gone in about a week.
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Jaundice baby tend to be sleepy babies. when they doze up while feeding, try these method - tickle their face - Unswaddle them - Change their diaper The latter one usually works well for me i hope it helps!!
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