6 Replies

Lol. I had a friend who told me his kid loved the pacifier and would not give it up. One day he told his son, the pacifier had worms and asked his son to throw it away. The son freaked out and threw it away. Okay, he was scared of worms thats why. Well, not sure if it would work for you. Just thought ill share. I personally never gave pacifier to my kids. Alternatively you may want to try a comfort teething blankie.

Any good teething blankie to recommend? TIA

Since your LO is only 8 months you can try cold turkey. Just don't offer, but of course bedtime will be more difficult for your LO , so maybe during those nights you may want to observe. If your LO cries alot then just pick up cuddle and carry to sleep. Next day repeat step again

Thank u!

Old times, put chill on the pacifier? But i prefer just removing it. They start crawling would have time to forget about it. Just dont give. The weakest is the caregivers.

I weaned my baby off at 6 months. Try to wean off the day naps first, it will be easier, then after a few days continue with the night. You may experience some cries and slight difficulties sleeping at the beginning, but remember, the older u try to wean them, the harder it will be.. Hang on!

Is ur little one addicted to pacifier in the first place? My little one is 8 Mths old he weaned off pacifier on his own at 6 Mths. But we started after 1 mth

Try distraction, each time he asks for it distract it. And slowly reduce the number of times baby use the pacifier.

I did cold turkey. 8months old. Lost it. And forgot about it. It was rough. But we went through it together.

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