8 Replies

Hi there. I think u can adjust and up ur amounts. Although u said what u did, u did not mention the amount of the food or milk u gave - how many ml or g or tablespoon so it's very hard for us to comment. But if the child is crying for more then pls just go ahead and give. If they are full they will turn away and it will become a semi force feed experience so just be on the lookout to avoid such a scenario. Some babies are big eaters too. So just give, follows baby's cue. Or u can feel if the stomach is too bloated from food too

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Hi! Dont worry much at all. Babies know how to express what they need. You will be surprised what and how much that little tummy of theirs can contain. Ill give baby as much as he wants and need :)

Super Mum

For me, if my baby can always finish the same amount and always ask for more, it means it’s time to increase the quantity. If the amount each time is not consistent, then I will wait first.

babies are very smart and knows when they are hungry or full. if baby has been asking for more after each feed, you may want to try increase the amount and see how it goes?

hi, baby is growing up and knows if they can eat a little more :) Do check out this link for more info: https://sg.theasianparent.com/how-much-milk-should-baby-drink

They will know they are full. Dun worry. Just feed on demand ;)

for me, if the baby cry for food, just give.

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