Ask the Expert: Is Goat Milk Right for Your Child?

Attention all Parents! 💬 Whether you're curious about goat's milk's benefits for your child, how it compares to cow's milk 🍼, or anything else, we want to hear from you! Share your questions in the comments below & get our expert advice🧑‍⚕️

Ask the Expert: Is Goat Milk Right for Your Child?
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Does goat's milk naturally contain any vitamins or minerals that are not typically found in cow's milk?

1mo ago

Goat's milk and cow's milk are typically similar in its presence of vitamins and minerals, with the exception of vitamin C, which is present in goat's milk at a minute amount compared to almost none or zero in cow's milk. The differences exist in the relative concentration of nutrients, where goat's milk have a relatively higher amount of protein, fat, calories, calcium, several vitamin Bs, phopshorus, potassium, magnesium, chrolide and significantly higher vitamin A. While cow's milk have a relatively higher amount of sodium and B12, with a significantly higher amount for folic acid. Additionally, goat's milk are more easily digested compared to cow's milk. Breed of animals, their care and their feeds can also affect the end product of both animals.