17 Balas

me too.. still new here. just downloaded this apps 3 days ago after finding out positive upt.. good info from experienced mom n first time mommy... semoga Allah permudah sgala urusan mommy2 sehingga lahirkan permata hati msg2. sy estimated bru 4 weeks.. lg smggu bru nk p buka buku pink..

tahniah awk. jga baby elok2.

Same goes to me, just found this app yesterday then terus install. enjoyed baca tentang mum to be. can get some knowledge kan. chill ibu2. take care ye.

Doakan saya ngan baby sihat ye.week 21 bleeding suspect ketumbuhan rahim😭

semoga semua ursn d permudahkan.Aamiin...

Hai dear.. Tahniah anyway.. 😍😍 Kite pun baru download apps ni 3 hari lps

waalaikumsalam. yes, i spend more time in this app than FB 😄

waalaikumussalam..congrats on your pregnancy mommy!aamiin..in sha Allah..

same here. i just found this app yesterday. really enjoyed 😍

amin... I pon bru lgi.. 😊 amin..

Waalaikumsalam. Amiin2, mudah2an..

Aamiin...moga dipermudahkan ya.

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