Are there any foods that can help in the process of weaning?

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From my experiences, try to feed baby when he/she is happy, i.e. not cranky or before nap times. Also, ensure baby is not full before feeding as they will reject food if they are having full tummy. In addition, try to let baby to eat in a baby high chair instead of feeding on your laps, to make it a habit for her/him to know it's meal time. At times, baby might refuse certain food. Try to stop offering it for maybe 1-2weeks before introducing again and baby might surprise you by loving the food. Try to introduce baby with different textures of food (lumpy, noodles, smooth and etc.) and colorful food e.g. purple carrot etc. to make him feel more interested in trying. I used baby led weaning for my 2nd baby and I find my no.2 is less picky in food compared to my no.1. Thus, you can try BLW method in weaning.

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