Itchy nipples

Anyone going through this? The area around my nipple tends to get itchy and when I scratch it it tends to leave a scar as the skin there is very delicate. If so, what did you do about it? Any lotions or creams to recommend?

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Its normal.. I tried shea butter and a soft bra with no inseam . Try moisturizing daily at night .


Try to apply nipple cream, wear loose clothing and change your bra to nursing bra if u haven't

Its normal try putting on nipple cream from avent. It doest help for me

Alcohol swabs helps too, please clean with water before breastfeeding!

VIP Member

Try not to scratch, apply bust/nipple cream ◡̈

VIP Member

I am using cetaphil pro to apply as moisturizer

Super Mum

Moisturising it with own breast milk is good

VIP Member

Apply nipple cream! I'm using mustela.

Use nipple cream! I used mustela

Apply cream after bathe