shoulder pain and numbness on feet and hands

Hi, anyone care to share how to relieve aches and pains on shoulders and numbness on my feet and hands ? I have numbness mostly at night while trying to sleep. Im 17 weeks pregnant and have allergy to paracetamol. Any other remedies to relieve it ? Its bothering me so much...

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Try to find a good support pillow (eg pregnancy pillow and support wedges) and experiment on the position and arrangement so you can get comfortable when sleeping.

Same like me.. If i stand or walk for around 15mins my thigh will start to have the pins n needle feeling... 😭

Omg.. i have the exact same pain n numbness. Can try prenayal massage

5y ago

Really .. thats good to hear someone else is experiencing it also ...thanks i will look up for prenatal massages .

Prenatal massage is a good option

Try prenatal masagae

5y ago

Thank you will look up for prenatal massages

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