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Hard boiled egg!! I agree with Camwy to make sure na well done yung egg yolk. And we serve it as it is without any additional seasoning.

Hard boiled only and make sure na well done yung egg yolk. We try to avoid salmonella in partially cooked parts of the egg.

Hard boiled egg and sunny side up (hindi malasado) ang gusto ni baby. Hindi nya kinakain kapag scramble.

Hard boiled and scrambled egg. May times na ayaw niya ng hard boiled egg kaya luto ulit kami scrambled.

Hard boiled yung yolk part. Pwede naman sunny side up for 1 year old pero dapat well done yung egg.

Hard boiled egg.. It's healthier and my baby likes it ?

Hard boiled, sunny side up and scrambled. Lahat gusto nya.

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