16 Balas

Is it true that women with a high pain tolerance have an easier time giving birth? Or is labor pain just unbearable for everyone?

Menjawab bagi pihak Sunway Medical Centre: Pain threshold certainly plays an important role in your birthing experience. Mommies with higher pain threshold generally have a better birthing experience. However, this is not equivalent to an easier birth process as it differes in each individual – higher pain threashold does not mean a shorter or easier birthing process and vice-versa.

I’m scared of tearing during delivery. Are there any ways to prevent it, or is it just something we have to accept?😰

Menjawab bagi pihak Sunway Medical Centre: Perineal massage from 2nd trimester has been proven to marginally reduce perineal trauma during vaginal births. Sometimes, perineal tear may not be preventable, hence, to reduce a severe tear, your obstetrician may opt to perform an episiotomy.

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I’ve heard that water birth helps in reducing pain. But is it really effective, or does it just sound fancy?

Menjawab bagi pihak Sunway Medical Centre: Yes, water birth may reduce birth pains, however, it does not lead to a pain-free birth experience, and your obstetrician may not be able to monitor your baby’s condition / heartbeat while you are going through water birth. Also, water birth is not widely available in Malaysia.

Saya ada low pain tolerance 😭 ada cara tak doc supaya saya boleh handle sakit tu without panicking?

Menjawab bagi pihak Sunway Medical Centre, There are many ways, both pharmalogical and non-pharmalogical ways to help to cope with pain. I personally would recommend epidural or PCA (patient controlled analgesia) as they are the most effective methods in terms of pain control. You may discuss this further with you obstetrician.

Does C-section leave you with permanent back pain? I saw a friend experiencing

Menjawab bagi pihak Sunway Medical Centre: No. The symptom is largely due to pregnancy itself.

bagaimana nak join ya? by gmeet atau apa ya?

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