Pecah air ketuban awal
air ketuban pecah start 29w 5d. terus masuk wad. sekarang dh dua hari bertahan dengan air ketuban yg dh leaking ni. baby so far ok. tapi risau risiko kena beranak awal jugak ? siapa yg ada pengalaman macam ni, pecah air ketuban awal?boleh share tak

I pun sama, that time I was 25 weeks and admitted kat Hospital KL for 5 days. Just 1 time je my water bag leaking... as per doctor I need to bed rest and can't walk a lot ... kalau boleh jangan travel also.. try avoid Naik turun tangga.. minum banyak air, makan buah like tembikai and also drink coconut water .. now I'm 36 weeks and by God blessing all fine now...I totally bed rest and it's really helps me ... oh yah don't be stress a lot .. usually if water bag leaking and no any infection means it's consider safe but if have any infection then might have to take the baby... for me doc said will induce and take baby in 38 weeks ..
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