8 Replies

That is a baby's 'soft spot'. There's another 1 on the back . Baby's bone formation is not complete yet and normally will curve in just slightly. Will sink in when baby cries very hard. But do see a dr right away if your baby's soft spot is too sunken. Might be a sign of dehydration.

Super Mum

That’s the anterior fontanelle. All babies are born like that, and as they grow, the skull bones will eventually fuse and this ‘dent’ will close up. Nothing to worry about:) just keep baby well hydrated (pees well, has tears if he cries)

VIP Member

it sunks in when he is dehydrated. he's crying cos he's hungry. feed more milk as they do go thru growth spurts and will require more feedings. you can increase feeding volume too. don't worry mummy. it's perfectly normal.

Did the gynae used a forceps while delivering? Usually any marks by a forceps will be gone by 1 y/o. Maybe flagged it up to a PD if you’re concern.

no forceps was used during delivery

Super Mum

Looks like a fontanelle! When you press it does it feel a bit squishy? My girl's fontanelle also used to go in and out when she cried.

Hi mummy this look like bb soft spot, ur bb might be dehydrated. Please bring bb to a PD for further check...

VIP Member

Best to consult your pediatrician...


best to check with your pd

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