Watch TV
About how much TV will u allow your little one to watch per week?

Deciding on the amount of TV time for a child is a personal choice that varies among parents and depends on various factors such as the child's age, developmental stage, and the content of the programs. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) provides some guidelines, suggesting that children aged 2 to 5 years should have no more than one hour of screen time per day, and screen time for children under 18 months should be avoided, except for video chatting. However you can find special deals of child tvs in these website
Read moreIt depends on the situation because there is no 1 day that is the same when you are a mom. But i try limitting it to 1/2 hour max per day only on children channels. Its not wrong to expose them to more screen time so we can get a break(Hard truth!) Only occasionally of course.
It really depends. Sometimes bo pian have to let them watch tv so we mothers can do some work and keep our sanity :D
Depends though but I will try to involved in activities or hobbies that dont involved in 'screens'
Hi... you might find this article informative
Limit screen use to 1 hour per day of high-quality programs for children age 2 to 5 years.
I normally allow my kid 2hrs a day .. after school 1hr n eveng/or after playground 1hr ..
I will allow for 15-30mins tv screening and more on outdoor or indoor activities.
No screen time before 1 year old. After that q hr max each week
Aim to control TV n devices time. Aim nt to expose too early.