5 Replies
I totally feel u. I hv been left untouched since I passed 2 mths coz my DH is so worried that he will injure me or bb. I’m 8mths now. For the 1st trimester I became so emo when I cannot get 🙊2nd trimester I don’t care anymore but now I’m Stanton have the wants again but kind of redirects my thoughts to other things. And aft delivery I’m sure I will need to rest my wound too coz gonna go for cSect 😔😔
Yes there’s really a surge of hormones in the last trimester, I feel. That totally disappeared after I delivered, though. Poor thing for you.. is your husband coming back soon before the delivery?
In 2 weeks time.... 😣😣And after birth, its frust me that I won't get the same excitement; due to tireness and 'dry season'..
same as u. my hubby around but not in the mood for it. i realise every time i 5/6 preg, he no feeling for intimate. once i delivered, he diff person. right after a week, he will ask for intimacy.
increased blood flow = increased hormones. then again everyone is different. go quench yourself!
totally understand you 😁 after delivery, not feeling it bc too tired 😂
😣Ikr! Mine waited about 7 mths later for me to 'connect' cause the feeling is just too different; having dry season, tired and constantly looking out for LO. 😅😅