2 months old, exclusively bf, no poop for 7 days and has colic :(
My 2 months old baby hasn’t pooped for 7 days and he has colic. Cries when needs to fart. Has colic episode at least 3-4 times a day for about 20 mins. Cries uncontrollably. Very sad to see. Is it normal to not poop so Long? And also any colic remedies? Pls help!

Breastfed babies can go up to 10 days without poop.. but your baby seems to be very uncomfortable.. crying even when farting seems like not very normal.. I think it's best to bring to PD..
have u tried gently massaging baby’s tummy? can use a baby oil - it helped my baby to fart and poo. do see a PD though as it’s been quite long - 7 days.
There’re suppositories suitable for babies to help them poop. If your baby’s suffering so much, can consider bringing to see a PD
Some breastfed babies can go up to 2 weeks without poop. Pedaling baby's legs as if he's cy cling can help relieve wind
Ridwind! The Pd that I go to, suggest to only go see a doctor after 7 days of constipation