No poop in 3 days
My 2-month old has not pooped in 3 days. Is this normal? He used to poop daily and then it became every two days, and now he hasn't pooped in three days. Any tips to try to induce pooping? TIA
2 Replies

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My baby poops every 3-4 days and PD said it's normal. Some babies can even go without pooping for a week. As long as he doesn't look constipated, no change in the number of wet diapers, drinks his milk as usual, and when he poops, it's not hard or black in colour, shld be fine!
4y ago
VIP Member
if your baby just drink ASI. it's no problem, because the tolerance of pooping on baby ASIX is 10 days
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yes.. ASI is breastmilk
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