4 Replies

Hi. My baby was like until we changed things. For a starters, I will let him latch and when he is very drowsy, I will change over to pacifier v quickly (sometimes will fail tho). How does ur child sleep in the day time? If not latching, u can try to use the method that is used in the day time to put child to sleep. Other things that worked for me are: 1) bottle feed him to sleep - he may fall asleep while drinking or when he has finished drinking, he will be somewhat full and makes it easier to rock/tap to sleep 2) babywear baby to sleep then transfer - whether in a carrier or ringsling or wrap him U may want to have about a week to try other methods of putting him to sleep - having ur mil or helper to do it during this trial week would be good too Hopefully u find something that works for u - otherwise the child might have to cry to sleep for the first few nights. On a side note, u have to be prepared that the child might not latch to sleep when u are back

My child used to latch to sleep and wake up several times in the middle of the night too. What I did was to put a bottle of water in his cot and if he wakes up, I'll just give him some water to suck. With this you can also gauge whether he is really hungry or just sucking for comfort (eg if he drinks alot, means he must be quite hungry). You can also use a pacifier and see if your child falls back to sleep. Also, it's best not to be the one feeding the child as they can smell you and tend to want your breast. Btw you will need to do this for at least a week for the child to get used to the routine. Good luck!

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i swap for pacifier from now already for the night latch

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