How to manage night feedings with newborn ?
Hi Mummies, I am a first time mom and I have a 8 weeks old baby boy. I want to ask how are other mummies managing the night feedings? Do you latch every 3 hrs or give bottles for night feeds ? Currently I get up every 3 hrs at night to feed and it is very tiring :( Does this get better ? #firsttimemom #firstbaby #pleasehelp

I do bottle feedings as I’m pumping. Also for my sanity, I don’t want to be latching 6/7/8 times in one night compared to 2-3 bottles. My LO only started STTN at 6-7mo. Since LO’s feeding time is about the same as my pumping schedule, either ways I have to wake up or I’ll end up with a screaming baby or engorgement. It will get better as time past as your body clock will get immune to the constant frequent wakes. Back then when I had to wake up and pump 2-3 hourly during midnights I feel like crying, now that I’m used to it and immuned, I can sleep at 6 and wake up 8 like a dragon 😂. Find something that can keep yourself awake, can try to watch dramas/wash your face/have a drink or even stretching.
Read moreIt is pretty normal for start baby will wake up every few hours. They will have a sleeping pattern, milk pattern change every month/few months. My first child wakes up every 3 hrs. Indeed it is tiring but that's her feeding pattern. For some, they will give bottle feed to make sure baby's full. But depends on individual. For me, I direct latch my first child unless in the morning ill alternate with bottle feed. She's a heavy milk drinker. So ill makesure ill sleep/nap in the afternoon when she sleep too. Meanwhile, for my second child she only wake up once even now that she's 3 months old.
Read moreThanks Eva. Any suggestions for me on how shall I manage ? I feel really tired
Hi! My baby is also 8 weeks old. She currently sleeps 4-5 hours at night. Initially was 3 hours then slowly gets longer so we only feed when she wakes & demands for it. I do not latch at night, I bottle feed. And occasionally give FM at night feed (4am feed) cause it’s much faster. Hang it there babe. Totally understand your struggles as I’m tired allll day. But i keep telling myself it will get better. Jiayou!
Read moreThanks a lot babe! Sometimes it is good to know that you are not alone and that is how I feel now! More strange to us mamas !
Yes it does get better definitely! Hang in there.. These 3hourly feeds will slowly become 3.5hr, 4hr and even longer as your baby grows.. Try to nap the moment you are done with feeding and when your baby sleeps. Would it be possible to ask for help for someone to come over? They could help with a feed so you can have a longer stretch of nap. One gooood sleep will make you feel much better..
Read moreThanks a lot Mel for your kind reply. Yes my husband is very very helpful and he is up with me during feeds which is very helpful as I don’t feel alone. Sometimes when I am too tired, we decide to give bottle so that feeding is done quickly and I can sleep after that. Can I please ask from what week or month the sleeping durations get longer ? Currently he is 8 weeks old
I would suggest to give formula milk at night as it can last longer compared to breast milk . You can pump while bottle feeding baby. Another key is to perform sleep training/routine for baby from newborn then your baby will be able to sleep through the night fr 3 months old onwards. 😊
Noted. Will try it. Hopefully my baby starts to sleep through night from 3 months onwards. Currently he is 8 weeks old
you can latch side lying . I at times pump at times latch at night depending how full my breast is . but if you pumping you can ask your hubby to feed the baby . try to sleep when baby is sleeping or else jialat damn tired.
Thanks Mia. Yeap I try to pump when I can but I don’t stress myself too much with it as I rest when baby rests. Another thing is that my baby doesn’t sleep much in day time. He would hardly sleep for like half an hour or so. Hence I rely very much on night sleep.
I latched cos lazy to pump and wash bottles etc. also tried to slowly lengthen the time between feeds.
hang on there! it gets better. maybe try to give a larger volume and see if it can last more than 3 hours?
Omg, I’m also wondering the same! So stressful 😔