"I want to win because.. I think it is safe to say that every mama wants, needs, and deserve to be pampered. As a mom of two in which my second born will be turning 5 months in few days, to have such opportunity - relaxing and enjoying with @sunwayvelocitymall actually helps in de-stress myself. Apart of clearing mind, I am also able to have some of my precious "me time" 🙈 .. Not to forget, to not having enough sleep during my confinement days now has become my night routine habits. Thus, with the EXISTENCE OF GREAT services like @sunwayvelocityhotelkl, can help me catch more of those valuable Z's hehehe 😜. Not only than that, with having a trustable medical centre @sunwaymedicalvelocity nearby, I am rest assured of my current health everywhere I go 💖 .. Now tell me, how can I easily let such offer go? Praying hard that I will be the lucky one to win this giveaway 😁 #TAPxSunwayVelocity
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I would like to nominate my dearest girl Shamiera for this giveaway. Reason for such thoughts is because, she's just having a newborn last 2 weeks!!!! Congratulations ??. I believe, this car seat will be useful for her since it is part of Safety Requirements in year 2020 ??. Beside, she's already a mother of 4, thus.. by nominating her to win such desirable giveaway could cheer up her day and lift the burdens ! Heyy, haven't I said that small gesture can make a person day brighter ??. Thus, dear The Asian Parents, please choose my girl to be the lucky one ??. Afterall, child seat save lives #tApMYcares
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Hi group, can you do me a favor by sharing your likes with me on link below ?. Click the link given ya! .. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2649776701921229&id=100006667742616 .. This momma really wants to win for her newborn who is about to come out in 20days time.. May god return all of your kindness. Thank you guys! ?
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Dear my firstborn, .. You have taught me on how to be a better human being. Having you, I have learned what patience, compassion, empathy, kindness and selflessness all about. You are teaching me love - a pure love that even money can't buy .. It has been so much fun to watch you grow. Each age, stage, and phase has brought us so much joy. These memories, I would not trade one second of it. Thank you for giving me my cherished title of being *mother* .. But here is the thing - in 25 days time it is not going to be just us anymore. We make a great team, the perfect duo and yet our family is growing. Because of that, things are going to change and before that happens I want you to know that no matter how much attention the new baby gets, you are still the center of my world .. I know you will make a fantastic big sister, teaching your sibling all the wonderful things and love her with all your heart. You are so nurturing, your sister is lucky to have you there snuggling and looking after her .. Thus my dear daughter, while you grow remember to be sweet and kind. Show others how much you shine. Meanwhile, let me love you a little longer okay ? #tapxmebie #mebiesnugglemalaysia #mebiesnuggle #theasianparentmalaysia
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Alhamdulillah. I just did my detail scan two days ago. and knowing my baby is in good condition and good health. really put me in tears and smile. I just can't wait for 5D scan real soon. Got to see my baby face too that day, but still not plumpy enough since the best week for 5D scan is 28weeks & above ?. Tak sabarnyaaaa ???. Anyway, sharing my baby photo hisap jari #21weeks hehehe
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