Hi, is there any mommies who sent their kids here? Preferably for infant care. We didn't read the review bfr enrolling him there but after 2 mths, we found bad reviews Abt it online. My child has been going in n out of kkh each month. We don't send him everyday bc he keeps getting so sick with stomach flu. After we sent him for 1 day ONLY, he's already sick w stomach flu. He's sick every single week. When ask teacher, teacher don't care, push to principal. When message principal, principal change topic. I asked if they clean the toys regularly and they said after each touch they did but when I was there for the first & second day, I saw right infront of my eyes that many kids put inside the mouth and keep sharing and none of the teachers took it to clean. I understand each school have flaws and still improving but if u don't improve now, then when.. like that how parents want to trust. Also I read a few bad reviews that her baby had frequent stomach flu until the baby's appendix needed to be removed. That's very heartbreaking. So I wanted to know if anyone have similar experience from me. Mind you my baby is 1 year 3months. #preschool #sunflowerpreschoolbalestier #baby
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Is it a normal that husbands become lazy and non present once the wife gives birth? My husband does not share any household chores like washing clothes or cooking his or the baby's food. He is always at home because of leave but refused to contribute in any way. Now he has a surgery, even more so an excuse of not helping at all. As for baby necessities, he is very stingy with purchases and I use most of my money to buy baby's things. No choice I have to stay as a working mom so that I can be financially independent but I still need to take care of both baby and household. He whole day jus play with his handphone, or drink alcohol at night, or quarrel with me over money matters. I thought of separation but I had chosen him my own family so I can't go back to my parents anymore. I thought of marriage counselling, but he refused. Shld I even consider single parenting and divorce? #help #advicepls #nojudgement
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Hi mummies.. my baby is turning 6 months soon and I have not started feeding solids. But suddenly from 1000ml a day her intake dropped till about 500-600 a day. She can go for more than 5 hours without milk. At night she refuses to dream feed and have gone on without milk for 14 hours. Thought to go to the PD but not sure what the doctor can do too. Any advice what it may be? She is teething but cannot be no need to drink milk?? #FTM
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