Hi Mummies, Is it okay if my 6 month is drinking 150ml instead of 180ml? Tried giving him 180 but couldn’t finish it. And how much does he need to drink per day if he is drinking 150ml and recently i have started giving him solid foods. I am worry as day by day his milk intake decreases and it’s only the first week of BLW.. TIA. #firstbaby #firs1stimemom #pleasehelp
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My husband and I weren’t fully trying to conceive but I recently tested positive and I’m now 5 weeks pregnant. But the past 2 weeks, I’ve been travelling in Italy (before finding out I’m pregnant). During my 2 week trip, I drank so much alcohol/wine everyday, I ate a lot of cheese, I carried my heavy suitcase up staircases, and I used the bath tub with essential oils and few times. My first OBGYNE appointment is only happening next week. What should I do now that I’m pregnant? I feel really bad but I had no idea! #preggymom #worried #advice #firs1stimemom #firstmom
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