Do your in laws or parents still nag at you?

Do your in law or parents still nag at you like e.g. always shower so late (10-11pm), so late eat dinner, why never exercise, body and fat shaming? How to stop them from saying all these? Losing my sanity alr.

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my reply may be a tad too late but I hope it helps some. After I had my daughter, my mom videocalled me (during covid lockdown) and nagged at me to not drink any cold water so that I wouldn't become fat post pregnancy. I then told her that I have already lost all my pregnancy weight, to which she pointed out that there was fat rolls seen on the videocall. I was honestly hurt that my own mother indirectly called me fat when I was only 1month+ post partum. even though her nags came from a good place but it still hurt. After that comment, I was bothered for 2 days and subconsciously became very sensitive about how I looked. then I decided it could not go on. thus, I confronted my mom. I told her calmly that her words have hurt me and that this should not be things that you say to ANYBODY post pregnancy. even more so towards someone that you truly love and care for. my mom apologised and we moved on. sometimes I think the other party doesn't realise the things they say hurts us. the only way to deal with it is confrontation in calm manner so the other party will not get defensive or worked up or feel accused. explain how the things the say will affect how you think and feel. if they truly love and care for you, they will understand 😊

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