Would you let your teenage child watch game of thrones?

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Read moreMy teenage cousins have read the books which the series is based on and they watch the tv series with bi complaints from their parents. They are 15-18 years and I think that's old enough. If the teens are in the younger age range, maybe you can consider banning them from watching but kids are tech savvy these days. There are many ways to watch GoT online. It's not too bad actually, the sex and the violence. I've seen video games targeted towards teenagers which have even worse violence and sex content.
Read moreMy cousins have teenagers and they don't allow them to watch GOT at all for obvious reasons as the presence of sex and violence. And i believe this should also be the practice of parents with teens. Unfortunately, parents can only guard their kids in the best capacity they can. Television is not the only medium of such shows. Children can easily access these online wherever they are and whenever they want.
Read morei think it really depends which part of the teen years you are talking about. i have some friends whose kids are around 17, and they are now allowed to watch GoT. of course i feel the younger ones should wait, as the storyline involves a lot of nudity, sex and violence.
It actually depends on what stage of adolescence you're referring to, in my opinion. But for parents, I can recommend a site https://roocasinoau.com/ where you can relax and play in the break between releases of your favorite series.
Nope. There are so many things to watch. First place how did your child even come upon that?
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Nope. I won't allow