Not enough time

Working mums! How much time do you get to spend with your little ones during the week?

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I know rite!! So not enuff time! By the time I reach home it's almost bed time for her. But I choose to go with quality vs quantity. So when I'm with her, I'm fully with her. No phones etc. We'll read some books, play abit, then cuddle and go to sleep. Just fully utilising whatever little time we have and be fully present with her 😄

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Super Mum

I rush home from work as soon as I can.. So everyday about an hour in the morning before I leave the house & about 1-2 hours after work. They grow up too fast! Wish we could have more time with them...

I will rush home before LO bedtime and spend the time with LO and husband on weekends. Will go down on my knees to play/ engage my LO because kids grow up so fast :(

left office by 6pm and immediately picked baby up from infant care. cooked and fed dinner, played and read together for a while, wipe down and sleep.

VIP Member

On weekdays, I get to spend time about an hour in the morning and at night about 3 hours. Wish we can have all the time to be with them

VIP Member

Morning before going to work and evening after coming back from work. Weekend usually are for them

Super Mum

Depends. Sometimes they’re asleep before I reach home 😢 Sometimes 1-2 hours

VIP Member

About 90 minutes on weekdays and total overload on weekends ;)