Took MRT today and someone asked me to give up seat to someone, i replied I'm pregnant. Am i bad?
Wk 14, wearing loose dress and tummy nt obvious. The Mrt was very crowded in the morning with everyone gg to work. I cant even see who she wanted me to give the seat to. I told her im pregnant. She then said sorry but i said it's okay. I just glad she didn't react differently. Phew. After a few stations, many alighted then I saw an elderly man, i think the lady wanted me to give up seat to this elderly. So i felt bad but then i observed that there were empty seats then but he didn't sit too. But cause i felt bad then i started to think if i should have given up my seat in the first place? Any thoughts?

Similar thing happened to me when i was about Week 25-26! My bump was quite visible already and this auntie (look 50ish) actually came up to me and asked me for the seat 😔 It's very sad that people nowadays have no compassion. Many times the young and abled sitting at the priority seat will just look up, stare at my bump and then continue to look back down at their phone or pretend to sleep. Some even pushed me from the back to "overtake" me and snatch my seat 🤷🏻♀️ Most of the time, i will have to stand throughout the ride or till someone alight. So don't have to feel bad. We need the seat too. Care for baby and yourself 1st as nobody out there will bother if you fall.
Read moreTo be fair, everyone pays for the same fee and boards the same train. Even able-bodied person deserve to sit down and should not be 'required' to give up their seat. One can be gracious in many other ways, should not be viewed as not gracious with just one incident. No one know better than yourself if you need that seat or not. You may think others need it more than you but the targeted person may also think the same and thus will still not take the seat even you offered. So do what you feel best for you
Read moreDo not feel bad at all. You are equally in need of that seat so that person could have requested somebody else sitting in the priority seat to help. It is good that you stated ur situation and the other person didn't react in a weird way too. I remember SMRT used to give some badge to people whose condition(s) is not obvious eg: pregnancy or other internal problems. So try to get that and stick to Ur dress or hang it in Ur phone so it is visible to others
Read moreDon't feel bad about it. I've experienced similar situation personally, I was sitting in priority seat. Someone was standing infront of me expecting me to give up my seat. But I didn't, the person beside me give up then the person told the person who give up seat that I should be the one giving up the seat. It embarrassed me. But I can't be bothered. I was in first trim too and just had my progestrone shot and feeling all giddy.
Read moreYeah, it's sad that there seem to be a hierarchy system in the needy for priority seats and we preggers are on the lowest tier. I'm in my wk 21 currently and an uncle demanded I give up my seat to him on the MRT. My mum who was seated on the other priority seat next to me wanted to stand up for him, but he insisted on having mine. Maybe my bump just made me appear fat and not pregnant 😒😒😒 Maybe SMRT should consider giving us a "I'm just pregnant, not fat" tag or something.
don't feel bad, priority seats are for us too. very sad to see now a days people seems to not care for pregnant lady entering mrt and offer their seat. I witnessed a pregnant lady coming in and no one cares to offer. worst still those seating in the priority seats are not even disable or pregnant.. choose to ignore and continue playing w phones..
Read moredont feel bad. let the others give up their seat instead. i once stood throughout the train journey in my first trimester but alighted few stops before final station because i broke out into sweats and felt giddy. i only felt better when i sat on the bench for awhile. so do not compromise!
I get this too, hyperventilating maybe. So i think its best to sit if you can!
Don’t feel bad. I was heavily pregnant when I border the bus and none of the ‘elders’ who were actually physically able cared to offer me a seat when I was right infront of them at the priority seating area and the bus was kinda crowded with no place for me to stand properly.
dont feel bad,,, we are priorities too... i wore tight dress to empasize the bump, and really stand in front of whoever is seating in the priority seat and stare at them 🤭... some youngsters didnt care though, so i just fought my way whenever someone alight 😬
Don’t feel bad, I feel sometimes just because it’s not observable doesn’t mean people don’t need the seat. Don’t like the entitled feeling some older people have sometimes. They push and shove and expect something
There's really nothing to feel bad about. Your body is going through so much changes and it's definitely very tiring to be standing on the train, especially when it's crowded. Don't stress about this :)