Wish to offer bread to my 10 month old lo..so far she has only taken rice biscuit as snack. No other chunky good that requires chewing. Now is the time to introduce. May I know which kind of bread should I get that has no preservatives and which other kind of food can i introduce? Can I let him eat banana as is? How about apples without steaming?

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My little one is 10 mth old. N has already taken egg white. U might want to read up on early introduction on highly allergenic food. As in the recent years, researches have shown that early introduction prevents allergies ... do ur lO has any teeth? Banana avocadoes, plums,nectarine, peach are all ok to give as it is.. I just realised my LO can bite off from a whole Apple. He has 2 bottom n 2 TOP teeth which are half way out

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