My wife was recently reading a book called "Lactivism", and it had some harsh words about breastfeeding in favor of formula. Essentially, the author was saying that breastfeeding was all about self-interest. Also that babies didn't need or care about breastfeeding. Moms: what do you think about the author's harsh words? My wife put the book down after reading that particular chapter.

I would disagree on the self-interest claim. Maybe the author have not experienced breastfeeding at all. To breastfeed is to dedicate a lot of time, energy and effort. I could just easily give my baby the bottle, but for his benefit, I chose not to. Even if that means he'll be clinging to me most of the time, if not 100% of the time. Maybe the author misused the idea of self-interest. Bonding is one of the multitude of benefits between a breastfeeding mom and baby pair, and for me, that's not self-interest at all. Aside from the benefits for the mom and baby, breastfeeding has an impact on the environment and the country's socioeconomic aspect. Clearly, that doesn't promote self-interest for me.
Magbasa paTo some degree, I get the self-interest part --- right before I weaned, I couldn't help but think how much I'd miss bonding with my baby in that way. But I'd think that's just 1% of the story. The other 99% is really giving so much of yourself that your time, schedule, wardrobe, lifesetyle, diet revolve around the breastfeeding commitment so there's really not much self-interest in that. There's so much scientific evidence to refute that breastfeeding isn't for the benefit of the baby so I would disagree with the author unless there are a number of legitimate studies to back those statements up.
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