My wife is very hot tempered and she like to hit me when she lose her temper. She will dig her fingernail into my skin and sometimes she will slam my head against the wall. I don't want to hit her back. I love her. I believe she loves me too. How can I calm her down. And stop her from abusing me like this.

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Please seek help, it is very important. People dont realize that mental health is the key to everything. Rather they criticise and have made it a stigma in Singapore with their ignorance. It takes a lot of courage to seek help. Mental health is just like our health issue. If you are sick, you will see a doctor right? Please, if you need more advise or help, ill be willing to share and advise further. I have walked through the path of mental health, i truly know and understand. People do not under and will not unless they have a close one who is suffering.

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