My wife anjie love to cook and i really appreciate how she cares and loves us . One time when i got home from work she cooked dinner for us but when i taste the food its quite bad and i told her about that, but unfortunately she was offended :( I think i did something wrong huhu... What should i do to please her ?

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First, we need to consider and accept the fact that women are women. There are times, or should I say most of the time, we are sensitive. Being the queen of the house obliges us a lot of responsibilities to accomplish-one of those thousands jobs at home would be to please our husband. But, there will still be some bad days when even if we try to give you the best, "worst" finds it way. Coming from the women's side, there wouldn't be any sweeter way to reconcile on this but to apologize, do something extraordinarily romantic and assure us that no matter how bad the food tastes, still, we will be the best for you and don't forget to tell your wife that you will love her more and more each day that not even a bad tasting food would prevent you from doing that. One thing more, be sincere while doing these :)

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