Watch YouTube vs running around while eating
Which is more devastating? Talking about toddlers.

Both sounds really devastating. You might want to "train" your LO sit down and eat with the family during mealtimes. Kids tend to get accustomed to routines. You might also want to engage in a conversation with them or give them just 1 small toy to play while seated at the dinner table so they wouldnt get bored easily.
Read moreFeeding habits are developed from the onset. I have never been a fan of running after kids while feeding them. My Son knows that eating his meals means sitting on the high chair. Try creating a fun atmosphere while feeding and keep YouTube as a prize if your kid is good.
I guess make them sit at high chair n feeding is best if they really wants to watch something switch on the tv .. if we give iPad they keep on changing the channels they don’t show much interest rest on eating
Try to avoid any devices. Try to talk more to him/her. Running around is also a experince within itself. try to put him on his chair and make him eat on his own. It will be messy but learning for him
Personal preference, YouTube could be more devastating, used as last resort But nobody is here to judge, sometimes we need to stay sane, do what we need to do :)
Running around while eating seems worse. It can be very taxing, right? For YouTube, it’s not good either but perhaps you can limit the watching time
Try to reduce the time spent on device as it might affect the eye sight. Maybe you can try reading a book instead?
Running around or sitting there throwing tantrums are the worse. I rather let them watch youtube and get judged
Hi... both activities are equally bad. Please try to stop your LO from doing both during meal time
Your kids running around. But have some moderation when he/she watches youtube videos.
mother of two angels