confinement nanny

Hi all, when do your start looking for confinement nanny? Second trimester? Third trimester? Any ideas when is the best time to book a confinement nanny. Thanks!

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First thing I did when I found out I was pregnant was to book confinement nanny - so at 6 weeks! Don’t wait for too long, it’s really hard to get one now!

ASAP. I started in 2nd trimester. Haven’t been able to finalise yet. I have no clue as of now how i’m gonna manage.

VIP Member

as soon as possible, some most recommended nanny, their slot fill up super fast

booked mine at week 13....3rd trim will b too late☺️☺️☺️

Super Mum

Between first and second trimester. Good ones are snatched up fast

Can any mummies recommend any confinement nanny to go to?

asap as due to covid period mostly all full or good nanny usually get book faster

I book mine at 6 weeks.

2nd trimester onwards.