When is the time for real labour? Any difference between real time labour and a false alarm as this is third trimester, sometimes I feel pain when I walk and as if something going to come out ..

Hi mummy, there are 3 ways of labour signs which I think u have also known; show (bloody sign), intense contraction and the water ah burst. Show is v straight forward. U will find blood stains on ur panties. Water ah burst is when u will find water dripping continuously. Contractions is by looking at the mins and Sec apart of each contractions. It will be more and more intense, once it is every 4 mins or less apart, u shld make ur way to the Hosp. Real labour pain is like u have heavy menstrual pain and some numb at some places. It can be painful until u find any touch is irritating but bearable to certain extend. At this point, u might request for epidural or laughing gas to help relieve some pain.
Read moreFor my previous 2 pregnancies, I experienced bloody show then entered into read labor. For my 3rd pregnancy now, I am experiencing the same things as you have mentioned, cramps and uterus pressing. I find that whenever I am overtired during the daytime I will experience cramps and tummy hardening. However, after well rested it will go away. Another way to find out if you are in real labor is, time your contractions (tummy hardening that comes with cramps). You can download "contraction timer" apps to track the intervals. If the interval btween contractions is consistent, e.g. 15mins apart and the duration of pain is getting longer, this means you are in real labor.
Read moreI think it depends on the person. No 2 people will have the same labour story :) I experienced false labour for 3 weeks on and off. Sometimes it lasted for 5-6 hours and contractions got pretty strong, but then they disappear. It can be so aggravating, but just hang in there. But I've heard of some people having it for a couple of days and then deliver, so your body could be starting the process. All the best, mummy!
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