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I start teaching my boy right after birth. Tiz may sound ridiculous but i do not want my kid to behave like a spoilt kid.. I always believe in starting early in everything. Not disciplining at first of cos. More of talking to and teaching him, telling him the right behaviour, when feeding, bathing, playing etc. We as parents muz oso set e right example. Like for example, after child has played his toys and it is time for milk/food/sleep, teach ur child tat we have to keep e toys first. We show him by putting his toys one by one into his toy box/basket. After tat, den continue wif ur child's next routine. Donts (when teaching/disciplining): Dont say 'dont'! Change ur sentence to a POSITIVE one. Eg: Dont throw ur toys! => put ur toy down nicely/This is how you play (den show him e right way to play). Dont: No caning/hitting/slapping ur child. It will make e behaviour worse. But i always believe tat a LIGHT smack on e hand helps in teaching kids. Dont: Dun scold. Calm urself down first. Den talk firmly and look at them firmly in his eyes when discliplining them. (Dun smile of cos!) U muz ACKNOWLEDGE their feelings first. Eg: 'I know tat u r angry/sad right now. Do you think tat by doing all these, u will feel happy? Wad if ur fren do e same to u? How will u feel?' Something like tiz but ask ONE sentence at a time for his response. DOs: Appropriate forms of punishment. For example, 'The ipad will take a rest from u today.' Mean wad u say! No ipad today means no ipad today! Dun give in to ur child for punishments! Next time, they will take ur punishments lighly and wadeva punishment u give subsequently, it will not work anymore! DOs: Praise at the right time. 'Good boy' is very easy to say n it comes out from our mouths easily. But use it wisely. DOs: When discliplining ur child in public, bring them to one side and talk to them. No public shaming as it affects a kid's psychology. Moral of e story is: 1.when it comes to disciplining, try ur very best to control ur anger first before u talk. It is like in a relationship wif ur spouse. Angry words r not worth listening at all. Wad comes out of e mouth is juz anger. If u transfer ur anger to ur child, ur child will learn anger from u. 2. Set a gd example ourselves before u can even start disciplining/teaching him.

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I start talking to my child since he is a year old. I won't say discipline but rather explain and talk. Ben if he may not seem to understand, I still explain and tell him the DOS and don't.

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