When should you start to pump breast milk? I gave birth a week ago and have excessive amount of milk. I'm afraid that if I pump, my supply will increase even more but if I dont, I'll have engorged breast very soon.

Though they're usually recommended during the weaning process sage, cabbage, and Jasmine are effective in decreasing milk supply. It sounds like you have forceful let-down, meaning you are overproducing milk. This may cause your baby to gag during nursing. The position you assume during breastfeeding can help ease the flow of milk. Try the football hold, cradle hold or breastfeed in a sidelying position. If your flow doesn't even out over time, it's best to see your OB. Pumping does increase milk supply so you'd probably want to hold off on that until your doc gives the okay.
Magbasa paBased on what I've read in Breastfeeding Pinays FB group, pumping should be done 6 weeks after giving birth. For the first 6 weeks, you just have to keep feeding your baby directly. Try also different positions so that you'll drain the milk and won't have plugged ducts.
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Akp nga after paglabas ni baby hahaaga
6 weeks after goving birth
After 6 weeks pwede ka na mag pump