I'm 4 week pregnant...
When is the right time to see gynae? Any advise.. I believe too early cant see anything yet... Only mild cramping, sore nipples n fatigue now, it that normal?

I got my first scan done at week 5. Was able to see a heart beat. But the baby size was just 2mm. So its like a little seed in the gestational sac. I think seeing a gynae goes by appointment. Even if u want to see one tmr, there may not be a slot. Suggest u call up soon to check for available slots.
Week 8 onwards would be meaningful because the heartbeat can be detected by then. The crucial test for down syndrome happens between week 12 and week 13 day 6. Must get the scan done by week 13 day 6 because baby's skin gets less translucent after that, not conducive for scan.
Go polyclinic. Get a ref letter. Polyclinic nurse will arrange for u a first appt with hospital to do the scan. Appt roughly 1 week ltr. (Cheap sub rate at hospital 1st appt) - thank me ltr =)
Think around 7 to 8 weeks can see the heartbeat. I had bad cramps and went at week 5, didnt see anything except for a bubble lol
at 8 weeks can hear heartbeat
its never too early!