When getting vaccine shots, we may either have a very mild symtpoms that we can experience. But I want you to know that these are normal and expected most of the time. Here’s a list of what you should do when you encounter them:
-FEVER: There are some vaccines that may cause some low-grade fever and this is okay. Its best to take some paracetamol and drink lots of water to hydrate yourself.
-PAIN ON INJECTION SITE: There might be some redness on the injection site but this should not worry you too much. Best thing to do is to do some cold compress on it to relieve pain and in some cases itchiness. Moreover, avoid strenous activities especially to the arm where the vaccine was injected to prevent further problems.
Lastly, please let yourself to have an adequate rest and sleep. This will help your body to recover and adapt more effectively from the vaccines that it just received. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle like eating a well-balanced diet, regularly exercising on top of getting vaccinated can make you and your family to be protected by certain diseases or conditions thus limiting your need to seek medical consultations.
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