What to expect after receiving vaccine/s?
When getting vaccine shots, we may either have a very mild symtpoms that we can experience. But I want you to know that these are normal and expected most of the time. Here’s a list of what you should do when you encounter them: -FEVER: There are some vaccines that may cause some low-grade fever and this is okay. Its best to take some paracetamol and drink lots of water to hydrate yourself. -PAIN ON INJECTION SITE: There might be some redness on the injection site but this should not worry you too much. Best thing to do is to do some cold compress on it to relieve pain and in some cases itchiness. Moreover, avoid strenous activities especially to the arm where the vaccine was injected to prevent further problems. Lastly, please let yourself to have an adequate rest and sleep. This will help your body to recover and adapt more effectively from the vaccines that it just received. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle like eating a well-balanced diet, regularly exercising on top of getting vaccinated can make you and your family to be protected by certain diseases or conditions thus limiting your need to seek medical consultations. #BuildingABakuNation #TeamBakuNanay #theAsianparentPH #VIParentsPH #TeamBakuNanay #ProudtobeBakuNanay #VaccinesWorkforAll #HealthierPhilippines #AllAboutBakuna
Read moreHave you taken your flu shots? Here’s why 💉😷
Hi parents! What do you love to do with your child when they can’t play outside? I mean, there’s so many indoor activities that we can do just to break their boredom: painting/drawing, watching movies, cooking/baking, dancing and a lot more. Actually, I really prefer indoor activities since flu is around the corner again so the common symptoms of colds, cough, fever, etc are highly likely to happen at some point. Didn’t you know that having a flu and pneumonia vaccines can actually prevent additional complications brought by Covid-19? As a matter of fact, by simply having yearly flu shots especially in the midst of pandemic can lead to less severe symptoms and decrease in likelihood of going in hospitals for emergency consultations. Flu vaccines along with Covid-19 vaccines are widely available and accessible for everyone. If you haven’t had neither of this, then now is the right time to protect you and your family against the Covid-19 pandemic. It’s a personal responsibility from which I know that will help us in promoting health for the people that we love. If you haven’t take the pledge, you may click the link and together we can strengthen vaccine awareness and confidence for everyone: https://buildingabakunation.paperform.co/ #TeamBakuNanay #ProudtobeBakuNanay #VaccinesWorkforAll #HealthierPhilippines #AllAboutBakuna #BuildingABakuNation #theAsianparentPH #VIParentsPH @sanofi.ph @theasianparent_ph @viparentsph
Read moreMisinformation vs Disnformation to Vaccines
Are you misinformed or disinformed about vaccines? Well, let’s define them as follows: -When we say, misinformation to vaccines, it means that people are trying to provide false information in order to deceit a certain group of people much more to a wide range of community. -On the other hand, when we say disinformation to vaccines, it means that there’s a spread of wrong information often spread covertly in the community. These two words have almost the same but differs on how it is done towards the humankind. In order to prevent ourselves to be misinform or disinform,, we should only read factual information to official sources like the Department of Health when you’re in the Philippines or through World Health Organization, respectively. #TeamBakuNanay #ProudtobeBakuNanay #VaccinesWorkforAll #HealthierPhilippines #AllAboutBakuna
Read moreWhen can you say that your child is FULLY IMMUNIZED?
When can we really say that our child is FULLY IMMUNIZED? Well, according to the Department of Health, your baby must received all the mandatory vaccines from the time that they were born up until they turned 1 year old. In this way, its highly likely that they’re protected from serious and sometimes fatal diseases or illnesses brought by outbreaks. Here’s the list of all recommended vaccines as per mandated by the Department of Health: 1. Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) - It is best for your child to have the vaccine at birth. 2. Hepatitis B vaccine - Protects against hepatitis B (infection of the liver). It is best for your child to have the vaccine at birth. 3. Pentavalent vaccine ((DPT) Diphtheria, Pertussis,Tetanus, Hepatitis B, Haemophilus Influenza Type b- should get one dose at each of these ages: 6 weeks, 10 weeks and 14 weeks. 4. Polio vaccine three doses - should get one dose at each of these ages: 6 weeks, 10 weeks and 14 weeks. 5. Inactive Polio Vaccine - given at 14 weeks 6. Pneumococcal Vaccine (PCV) - should get one dose at each of these ages: 6 weeks, 10 weeks and 14 weeks. 7. Measles Mumps and Rubella vaccine (MMR) - should get two doses of MMR vaccine, starting with the first dose 9 months and second dose at 12 months of age. In conclusion, these are the preventable diseases once your child received the required doses of the vaccines for the first year of life. Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (whooping cough), Poliomyelitis (polio), Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Haemophilus influenzae type b infections, Hepatitis B, Influenza, Pneumococcal infections and Meningitis #BuildingABakuNation #TeamBakuNanay #theasianparentph #viparentsph
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