When to remove baby mittens and booties?

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I let my baby wear mittens till 3 months (old folks nagging that her nails are sharp). Now I'm regretting it because her hands aren't grasping at toys yet. I visited a doc (for another issue) and she suggested removing the mittens. As for booties, my baby stopped wearing them after 1.5 months cause the weather is so warm! I only put them on for her when we go out (for aesthetics reasons haha and also due to aircon places).

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In Singapore's erratic weather, there isn't an actual need for babies to wear mittens or booties. It will cause much discomfort and I've read that it can hinder baby's basic motor skills like holding or gripping items. If you're worried about babies scratching their faces, trim their nails whenever they get too long. Moreover, mittens and booties tend to go missing a lot as the babies will find a way to remove them haha.

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A good time would probably be around 1-2 months or so! Reason being, they need to exercise their little hands and feet - using them to explore textures, train motor skills etc. Most parents are afraid of removing in fear that they'll hurt themselves, but all you need to do is to trim their nails a little more often - if LO moves about too much, you can do the trimming when he/she is asleep or drinking milk :)

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Fav questions! i have remove mitten& booten since he 4month. But in parenting, i have read an article that said.. babies should not wear a mitten &booten. it will make their progress in baby slow. others said, babies cannot get &take with a finger. and lastly.. it is for safety! i just share what i reads.. sorry if im mistake

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Sebaik habis pantang je da xpakaikan mittens da..tp masa pantang 44 hari tu pun selalu juga tanggalkan sebab nk pastikan tangan kecil dia dapat rasa tangan mama dia juga😍..tp sbb pantang kat rumah mak, biasala org tua ni ada bising sikit tp kita bgtau elok2 dgn alasan yang munasabah, diaorg boleh terima..✌🏻

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Most of my friends either didn't put on mittens for their babies or stopped after four to six weeks. The reason for wearing mittens is the worry of baby scratching himself/herself. Hence, most had to trim their babies' nails daily or every other day after they stopped wearing mittens for their babies.

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My baby is almost at her 2nd month still she's using mittens and booties because when I tried to remove it she almost hurt herself. I suggest mommies should test to their child even as early as you want coz if your baby's fit not to wear those then let it be

we stop our baby to wear mittens when he was 1 month old of course that's the first time his nails were cut. as for the booties we.. he stopped wearing those at the same age. we just let him wear socks when we need to travel or go the weather is cold... except if the weather is hot.

Daytime I think is the best time when to remove baby mittens - so they don't scratch themselves while sleeping at night. I remember when I visited my OB with my baby and she was 2 months old - she said, remove the mittens already! So she can experience her world by touch :)

Babies can stop wearing mittens and booties anytime soon as long as their nails are trim diligently to prevent scratching. Mostly parent will take off 2nd month onwards. But must make sure nails are trim all time else they will scratch their face.