Whats the first thing you bought for your baby?
Whats the first thing i should buy for my child? Currently 17weeks, went to kiddy palace, mothercare but no idea what to start buying?? Or is it too early...

There are some big items you can buy in advance. For us, the first item I bought was the Haenim UV sterilizer. Other big items along the way which i bought are baby cot, stroller, bath tub, breast pump, car seat, baby carrier. It’s also a good time to start doing some research on which brand to buy, price comparison, gather the hands-me-down, read baby book, smaller items like towels, clothes, milk bottles can be bought along the way. Clothes wise, most people will say don’t overbuy as most of the times, your friends/relatives should be able to pass some to you, and baby grows up fast. My baby is now 1 week old!
Read moreI only started buying in my 3rd tri and the first thing was a car seat. We purchased the big tix items first, like car seat, stroller, cot, UV steriliser and breast pump. The rest is as and when there's sale, mostly online. Just a tip, don't buy too many newborn clothes and diapers. My baby outgrow his at 2+ months even for sizes 0-3months. Go sign up for diaper samples!
Read moreDon’t buy too early.Better to start buying closer to 30 weeks onwards. Most items can also purchase from carousel if you’re not particular since baby outgrow super fast one.I bought a lot of big items at carousel at a steal and currently using it too for baby number 2:) Save money and can spend more on confinement and hospital bills:)
Read moreCan list down all the main items (starting with the big items such as cot, stroller, baby chair, shower tub, diaper changing station, breast pump, sertilizer) and start looking at the different brands and recommendations from friends. Also look out for baby fairs and go down to get some inspiration of the things to get.
Read morecan buy after 2nd trimester. Now can do window shopping and sourcing online to compare price and brands. Cab look out for baby clothes, baby clot, breast pump, steriliser, milk warmer, play pen, baby carrier, stroller.
I started buying things for my baby at 5 months right after pur gender reveal and the first thing i bought was the new born clothes set online.. :) Next was new born diaper... hehehe then all the things I need for delivery...
i buy some clothes,mitten,and socks thats is cute (Dont buy too many if got people give is good too) they outgrow very fast. then i buy essential stuff like pump,bathing soap for baby, and milk bottle
u can buy bulky and exp items first like breast pump, cot, car seat, stroller. i buy them slowly every month, from big to small items. by the time baby is out, i settled everything. 😊
Diaper essentials, First aid and baby care equipment are a must to start with. Baby clothes, Nursery furniture and gear, grooming essentials all can come in later.
Bought the bulky and exp items first such as breast pump, cot, stroller and car seat at about 24 weeks. The rest of the items slowly bought online or during sales
Mum of 1 bouncy daughter yes