What to buy?
Dear mummies, what did you start to buy when u reach 20weeks? Or what was the first thing you bought after the 20week detailed scan? FTM here and have no clue what to look for and what to start buying..... #1stimemom #pregnancy #advicepls

what I've learned from my past 3 pregnancy is that I only shop till the last min. hahaha... most of the items my husband go around shopping online or malls Cox we do not want to waste unnecessary unused clothes that cant fit the baby once they hit that age that they r consuming alot of bf or FM .. n we also don't really purchase alot of baby wrap this round due to the hot climate increasing. babies prefer to be kept warm but not hot . . cool but not soo cold. so once we know we're pretty on our 4th one, and know the gender we only buy the basic needs such as a few bags of newborn diapers, just a few coz I tell u they outgrown really fast. then we get wet tissues .. a few neutral baby clothings... n baby carrier... depends if ure baby prefers pram or carrier. n of coz multiple milk bottles... n teats.
Read moreHello mommy! Diapers (damihan mo na mommy) Onesies (Madali mag change diaper kapag onesies) Wetwipes Cottonballs Swaddle (1 lang muna. Kasi like for me dami ko binili tapos ayaw pala ni baby i swaddle) UV sterilizer (optional) Baby bottles (kahit 2 pcs muna kasi mag bbreastfeed ka naman) Nipple cream Baby nail cutter Baby tub Towel Etc
Read moreFTM too and haven't got anything yet. Just started to research on the items to buy and which brand to buy so can look out for discounts etc. Deciding which brand to buy will take up quite abit of research time unless you have recommendations from relatives or friends. Happy preparing for your first born 🙂
Read moreI first bought my baby things when i was 28 weeks. I bought the big stuff first like babycot, sterilizer, stroller, car seat etc. Then slowly you can either order them online or you can take your time walking around malls. All the best!
Didn't buy anything till I rch abt 7 months. Bought the expensive things first like car seat, stroller, cot and uv steriliser. Other things I just buy as and when I see there's online sale.
Diaper essentials, First aid, and baby care equipment are a must to start with. Baby clothes, Nursery furniture, and gear, grooming essentials all can come in later.
at my 30 weeks but did not buy anything yet. still have alot of hand down item from baby #1-#3. most probably will buy a new freezer to store breastmilk.
Didnt buy anything yet and im at wk 28 😂😂