Hey! what can be the probable signs that it is a baby girl or baby boy....while she is pregnant ?? just asking, as people says there can be signs . So Plss give review on your experience basis.

Hi When I was pregnant women in my husband's family were like it is a baby boy because your tummy is fuller from above and not protruded from bottom. Then one day...my MIL had a dream and saw Lord Krishna few days before I was to deliver.....and she said that it is going to be a boy....and finally on the D-Day there came the sweetest girl into this world. So, I do not think there uz any other way than ultrasound that can confirm the sex of the child. ;)
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in starting months u can't predict babies gendar.... but later some signs according to indian myths were correct for me.... like I lost my beauty.. got many pimples ...big football like tummy on above...and continuous pain on right side...wat heard everything was correct and I m a mom of a boy.... so Its only myth we cant believe on this till the time of delivery...
Read moreMy grandmother used to tell me that if you see more fairness on pregnant woman then baby girl unless baby boy. Secondly, tie up coin to thread and keep 1 foot distance of it from the stomach. if that thread/coin would be continuously moving then baby boy otherwise baby girl. Reason behind is that girls are very calm compare to boys.. 😅😀😂😂
Read moreI've got a girl and a boy baby.With my experience I can tell if the baby lie right side of the tummy most of the time it's a girl and to the left its boy.We can make out with the shape of tummy too..balloon shaped is a girl and football shaped tummy is a boy.Don't know if others also faced same.This is my experience.
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u shud b happy just coz of the fact tht u r becoming a father!! boy or girl.. no much difference.. if boy then responsibilities r "slightly" less..thts it :-)
hahaha.... AL dat is fake as no one can predict. Ppl shoot in dark and smtyms it hits the ryt one as probability is just 1/2 either he or she.
me and my wife always wanted baby girl and we we're blessed with girl so it's probably strong wish
hmm. great..
nothing can be predicted... u just enjoy the time.. and let others guessing...
Okay Ankita :)
and congrats dude finally u r agree to take care to ur coming new life...:)
Thank you So Much Dear :)