very early signs of pregnancy 1 week
I have a doubt that I am pregnant. What are the very early signs of pregnancy. It may be too early for a pregnancy test ? I am taking medicition for other condition. need to stop As soon as possible. Please share your experience with me

Here are 11 early signs of pregnancy that you may not have heard of before: 1. Acne flare-ups 2. Bladder infections 3. Bleeding 4. Bowel problems 5. Menstrual cramps 6. Migraine relief 7. Frequent nausea/vomiting 8. Frequent urination 9. Purplish vulva 10. An acute sense of smell 11. No signs (wait – what?)
Read morewhen was your last period? early signs of pregnancy can be similar to pre-menstrual symptoms so really no one can tell. the only obvious thing for me was no brown discharge for the few days before period.
late period was one of the sign, another was that i am sweating even at 20deg office & cant stand the smell of rice.
Missed periods, tiredness and morning sickness were the striking indicators that made me test using home kit
my 1st sign of preg was late period & test was clearly positive immediately
water tasted weird, very emotional, constipated
Missed period for at least a week.