What is the most painful thing you have gone through in parenthood?

Breastfeeding journey can be painful if there is no support. During no1, so many negatives, that i have to be super hardworking to show them i have milk for her. It's a smooth journey but feel with lots of negative attacks. While no2, no one stress you, i have lots of unwanted fever due to milk clots that i never clear properly and trying to clear it away badly. A up and down journey but satisfied with the outcome that i manage to feed till 1 year old! There is once, i had it super badly, my elder girl is down with high fever, ulcer, and need to hospitalized, i need to accompany her and worried about the small brother at home. And when she recover, i start to have fever, and the small brother start to have fever too. Both of us having high fever together. I can't rest as i have to make sure the small brother is settle first. Letting him latch for comfort, and i need him to clear some breastmilk for me too. As i'm also too sick to pump often, fever 40 degree same as the small brother. Although everyone say when your little ones is down, i hope to be sick so i can produce more antibodies for him, but if you seriously down with high fever, you will wish, you can recover soon, so you can have the energy to look and coax him. That period, i really feel bad, as i'm too weak to coax and accompany him whole day, that i need GMIL to look after him. And i know he want me more instead. Whenever GMIL cannot manage to sooth him, i will take over, and easy sooth him. I pray nothing serious happen again, so no one need to be hospitalized again. Other than this, is my hubby don't really help out. - He just let the kids cry after i ask him look after them while i go bath. - No initiative of helping to look after the kids. - He will play with them but for that few minutes. - If go out, if we go fishing he will he happy of course, but i will be super tired, as once my kids get boring i have to find my ways to entertain them till he fish finish. If go to where we want, he say we treat him a s servant or slave. It can cause me to go crazy if i don't have patience with my own kids. Thankfully i really love kids, especially they are my kids so i can overcome it. So i always tell myself, for the kids, endure!
Read moreMy partner cheated while I was pregnant for our last child and he’s been doing it since our first child and I just found out. Cheating usually comes with a price tag of some kind. Look for the signs of cheating”. Resist the temptation to prematurely confront the suspected cheater. Firstly, you will NOT get an honest response and, secondly, he/she will now increase the precautions they are taking making it that much tougher to catch them. If you feel you have gone as far as you can on your own, hire a good, licensed private investigator to obtain the hard evidence you need and get the closure you deserve. contact: thomasgonzalez125 (@) gmail(.)com
Read moreI need to qualify that I am a new mother as well - so my experiences are still very limited. But I do agree with Diana - for me the most painful thing has been my breastfeeding journey as well. It hurt like a thousand little knives twisting off my nipple every time my baby latches. I wish someone had warned me about the physical pain of breastfeeding. It is also mentally torturing as you keep wondering if you are producing enough milk and how to boost your yield. And the guilt you need to deal with if you can't breastfeed.
Read moreCheating usually comes with a price tag of some kind. Look for the signs of cheating”. Resist the temptation to prematurely confront the suspected cheater. Firstly, you will NOT get an honest response and, secondly, he/she will now increase the precautions they are taking making it that much tougher to catch them. If you feel you have gone as far as you can on your own, hire a good, licensed private investigator to obtain the hard evidence you need and get the closure you deserve. contact: [email protected]
Read moreActually it was my breastfeeding journey for my first child. I experienced a lot of pain as I have frequent blocked ducts and had a mastitis. My family members especially my husband asked me to give up breastfeeding seeing me in so much pain. I am glad that I persisted and managed to breastfeed her until she is 2.5 years old which I never thought I can do it for so long. With the no.1 breastfeeding experiences, the subsequent breastfeeding journey is quite hands-on for me.
Read morethe most painful part is when my kids got fever..When my 2nd girl 1yrs old we have been in and out of hospital due to fit.My late brother got the sick since young and gosh since my kids gets it i was so stress and even nearly goes to depression.At that time my hubby pay was only $700..Now i am please as i know what i suppose to do before it gets worse..
Read moreWhen my two sons keep secrets. Masakit pala sa isang magulang ang paglihiman ka na ng iyong mga anak na sobra ang attachment mo sa kanila. Nagiging second priority nalang nila ang parents kapag meron na silang mga lovelife. Noon kasi they don't keep secrets, lahat sinasabi nila sa akin at sumusunod sila sa mga sinasabi ko sa kanila.
Read moreSaw my nephew carrying my firstborn (he was 1 1/2 yo then) and dropped him on his chin. His chin had a deep cut, it needed 21 stitches. My heart aches until today each time I see his wound :'( i have never forgiven myself. Hence i become very picky with the people who wants to carry my number two.
It's always kids falling sick and the repercussions of it. Sleepless nights, the worrying, the tiredness and frustration dealing with a sick baby who can't express themselves in words. Although I miss them as babies, I'm also relieved because now they handle sickness way better.
I was alone during my pregnancy actually both pregnancies, but managed to fix things with the father of my last child, first baby I was in school doing grade 11 I didnt even have money to buy diapers so I'd use old shirts and plastic and night
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