Fiesty toddler who throws things
What does your toddler do when they throw tantrum ? My toddler , besides crying , will throw things . Is it normal ?

It's perfectly normal. At toddler stage they are developing their EQ. Sometimes it's very hard for them to control at a instant emotions. Our job as a parent, we try our best to calm down, let them vent out their frustrations after that hug them & tell them it's okay. Explained what happened, & give them solution. Like; I know u'r angry becos mummy said no, but u cannot throw things that will hurt people etc.. explained & they will learn. That's what a child like. All the best :)
Read moreOnce my son throws something I restrict him from touting it. Even if it’s his favourite toy he won’t get it for the day. What he is making the show won’t happen. Even if it’s a simple thing. I don’t want him to think that he can get anything by annoying us. Instead I explain to him calmly how his behaviour is unacceptable and offer to play with him. My son is an emotional person and he falls for it 😅
Read moreYeah it’s normal .. they r expecting more from us , if we reject small things also they get disappointed n starts tantarum.. but still we hv to neglect their action or else it’s becoming a habit for every action to them.. so should be lil strict is ok latr they stop to do slowly as they anyways got rejected their tantarams they understood..
Read moreToddlers will always want to exert their independence and great at testing patience of their parents. Best is to be patient and explain to him throwing things is bad and not allowed. Also tell your toddler that he will be sent to the corner for bad behaviour should he throw things again. Be prepared to carry out the punishment if needed
Read moreI don’t recall my first born ever throwing tantrums. I have a LO now who’s almost 6 months old. I will make sure not to spoil her so that it will not come to this. However, I do know that this cannot be avoided so no choice but to exercise patience and make each episode an opportunity to teach her and make her understand.
Read moreMy daughter..always throw tantrum whenever she's around with other people besides me n husband.arghhh...also tantrum dont want to wear diaper,brush teeth..uwaaa..i always try not to reveal the beast inside me..haha..patience n calmness is the most important key when handling them.
I Guess at the toddlers age it’s still quite normal.. they’re still testing the limits so best to just try to calm them down and explain to them. I mean I start talking to my kids as adults since age 2 upwards so yeah, explaining seems to work in the long run.
It is normal. Kids are very smart, they will try all things and push your buttons to get their way. But dont let them fool you lol. Be patient but sometimes i understand that we are only human and we become beast. You will have to find yourself to keep reminding them over and over. :)
Whenever Shanayah has a melt down, I will explain to her abt not throwing her stuff and bribe her with her fav yogurt drink. 2nd time, stand at the corner for 5 mins. After 5mins, explain to her why she was punished then try to play some games with her.
Yeah it’s quite normal... they’re at a turbulent phase right now where they are learning how to express their needs but are unable to. She will say nasty things to me and that can hurt more than physical. But do exercise patience as much as you can with your lo